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Donations & Fundraising

Donations & Fundraising

The Trust is currently working towards saving the Old Grammar School*to be used as a sustainable ‘Community Hub’, providing community facilities with complementary commercial use to ensure its future viability and retaining this iconic Richmond building, which is so much a part of the landscape of the town. If all our plans prove to be viable we must apply for a second grant from the HLF to carry out the restoration work, but we still need to raise a further £450,000.

Donations to The Old Grammar School project

General donations towards the work of RBPT

Note: On the next screen simply start typing the monetary value you wish to donate. Do not attempt to backspace and delete the zero's - just type.

How you can help

The RBPT restore The Old Grammar School

  • Become a Friend of the RBPT
  • Sign up as a volunteer to help in our fund-raising events
  • You can donate online on our website.
  • Donate using our downloadable leaflet
  • See your name in permanent ‘chalk’ on our Blackboard of Fame (donations* of £500+)
  • Think about your business, club, or society becoming a corporate sponsor contact to discuss how you can help
  • Attend one of our fund-raising events
  • Organise a fund-raising event
  • When the Old Grammar School opens, we will need volunteers to help to run it – it’s not too early to put your name forward
How you can help

£450,000 cannot be a ‘pipe-dream’, but must be a reality to help us move this project forward. See how things are going on our fund-raising monitor on this site and at The Station.

You can also help by telling us your stories of the Old Grammar School and Lower School, which may be used in information boards when the building is open.

Please let us know if you would prefer a refund in the event the project does not proceed.

General donations towards the work of the Richmondshire Building Preservation Trust are also welcome.

*If for any reason the Old Grammar School Project does not go ahead, donations made specifically for the school will be refunded. If you do not require a refund, your donation will be used by the RBPT on current and future Projects.

Please help us to save, restore and repurpose this iconic Richmond building.